Scientific publications

Wednesday, 13 October 2010 14:44

14) Craniofacial morphology in ancient and modern Greeks through 4,000 years.

Papagrigorakis MJ, Kousoulis AA, Synodinos PN.
Anthropol Anz. 2014;71(3):237-57.
(Το pdf craniofacial)


13) The plague of Athens: an ancient act of bioterrorism?

Papagrigorakis MJ, Synodinos PN, Stathi A, Skevaki CL, Zachariadou L.
Biosecur Bioterror. 2013 Sep;11(3):228-9.


12) Neurosurgery during the Bronze Age: a skull trepanation in 1900 BC Greece.

Papagrigorakis MJ, Toulas P, Tsilivakos MG, Kousoulis AA, Skorda D, Orfanidis G, Synodinos PN.
World Neurosurg. 2014 Feb;81(2):431-5.


11) Paleopathological findings in radiographs of ancient and modern Greek skulls.

Papagrigorakis MJ, Karamesinis KG, Daliouris KP, Kousoulis AA, Synodinos PN, Hatziantoniou MD.

Skeletal Radiol. 2012 May 19


10) Q&A: Facing the past: Manolis Papagrigorakis. Interview by Alison McCook

Papagrigorakis M
Nature. 2011 Mar 3;471(7336):35

9) Facial reconstruction of an 11-year-old female resident of Athens, 430 B.C.

Papagrigorakis MJ, Synodinos PN, Antoniadis A, Maravelakis E, Toulas P, Nilsson O, Baziotopoulou-Valavani E
Angle Orthod. 2011 Jan; 81(1):171-9 PubMed


8) Dental  status and orthodontic treatment needs of an 11-year-old female resident of Athens, 430 B.C.


Papagrigorakis MJ, Synodinos PN, Baziotopoulou-Valavani E
Angle Orthod. 2008 Jan; 78(1):152-6  PubMed


7) Typhoid Fever Epidemic in Ancient Athens


Papagrigorakis MJ, Yapijakis C, Synodinos PN
In: Paleomicrobiology, Past Human Infections

D. Raoult, and M. Drancourt (eds), Springer, 2008, pp 161-173


6) Ancient typhoid epidemic reveals possible ancestral strain of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi.


Papagrigorakis MJ, Synodinos PN, Yapijakis C
Infect Genet Evol. 2007 Jan; 7(1):126-7  PubMed


5) Insufficient phylogenetic analysis results may not exclude candidacy of typhoid fever as the probable cause of the Plague of Athens (reply to Shapiro et al).


Papagrigorakis MJ, Yapijakis C, Synodinos PN, Baziotopoulou-Valavani E
Ιnt J Infect Dis 2006; 10: 335-36, (Letter to the Editor)


4) DNA examination of ancient dental pulp incriminates typhoid fever as a probable cause of the Plague of Athens.


Papagrigorakis MJ, Yapijakis C, Synodinos PN, Baziotopoulou-Valavani E
Int J Infect Dis. 2006 May; 10(3):206-14  PubMed


3) Periodontal disease in the Mycenaean population of Agia Triada – West Peloponnese – Greece.


Tsilivakos M, Manolis S, Vikatou O, Papagrigorakis MJ
International Journal of Anthropology 2000; 17(2): 91-100


2) Craniofacial Morphology in Ancient Greece.


Papagrigorakis MJ
Master’s Thesis, Department of Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics, University of Bergen, Norway, 1993


1) Cephalometric findings of the skull of the Petralonean man.


Papagrigorakis MJ, Spyropoulos MN
Anthropologic Analecta 1988; 49(1): 47-53