Rooftile and Brickworks Museum N. & S. Tsalapatas

Thursday, 08 December 2011 11:44

salapata_1“Myrtis: face to face with the past” was originally designed with only sighted and hearing visitors in mind. But since the general public who visit museums is diverse and includes people with a wide range of needs, it was decided that information as well as access should be appropriate to satisfy all needs. Thus a project was commissioned to make all necessary adjustments to render the exhibition accessible to people with visual and hearing impairments.




The metamorphosis of the exhibition was designed upon the principles of “Design for All”. The methodology used respected and took into account all aspects of human diversity. Right from the early stages of the project and to its completion a focus group was involved in the design process. Group members were carefully selected in order to contribute in terms of diversity through their gender, age, social, economic and educational background, as well as their disability. The group played a decisive role in the adaptation and enrichment of the exhibition.

Interventions to the existing exhibition include tactile exhibits as well as audio description for these exhibits, to better articulate the young Athenian's journey, as well as screens with Greek and international Sign Language that have been added at pivotal points. Material is available in Braille and large print, as are some questionnaires, to gain feedback and suggestions for ongoing improvements.


So a holistic human–centered approach was achieved, ensuring that end user needs were fulfilled, without explicitly referring to people with disabilities, since the multi-sensory approach the design team decided upon, meets the needs of all visitors.


Anastasia Kalou, access consultant – museographer